Monday, February 1, 2016

Out-of-Control Capitalism

Two weeks ago Lois found out that K-Mart of Ironwood will close soon and she will be among the ranks of millions jobless people. It brings to an end the thoughtless queries of people, including friends, "I heard K-Mart is closing." These queries began when the rapacious Walmart Corporation built a store in Ironwood. These queries hurt Lois as some of them were followed by hurtful assaults, 'Walmart is better anyway."

To those I would say, "You got what you wished for."  Now there is no more competition in Ironwood, Bessemer, Wakefield or Hurley, or Ontonagon, and about 6 other minor cities whose residents shop in the Ironwood area. You will pay higher prices because that is how capitalism works. Destroy the competition and rape the vanquished, regardless of how much pain it causes. After 35 years Lois' job is gone.

The four living Waltons can rejoice. Another Kmart store has been destroyed and what the hell do they care? Their collective wealth exceeds that of the bottom 40% of the United States. Just FOUR PEOPLE!  Capitalism is not godly. It is greed on steroids. It is economic Darwinism. For this country to survive capitalism will have to be reigned in by more socialist moves such as a living wage, not a minimum wage.

Reagan's "supply side economics" started a forty-year bonanza for the rich, along with the demise of labor unions. Reagan's followers saw an increase of 300% income vs. a paltry 1% for the rest of us, the 99%. Business have been raping their workers and this must be stopped.

A single-payer national health system will have to replace the voracious blood-sucking administrations of hospitals that demand full payment of  the copay amount even if it unmanageable for the patient. If the patient doesn't pay the hospital sics collection agencies on them that endeavor collection through the use of fear and unfounded threats, possibly causing further health problems.

Companies like Walmart must be stopped, taxed heavily and FORCED to share their wealth with those whose hard work and long hours made trillions of dollars for the company. The same goes for restaurant and lodging chains. Energy prices need to be federally controlled.

The wealthy (1%) and rich corporations must pay their fair share of taxes.  Those businesses doing offshore banking must be penalized.   Tax loopholes must be closed.There must be penalties for shifting production facilities to foreign countries and that includes the computer tech-support business.

The loss of my wife's job has released my vitriol. The political party that strives to buy elections must be stopped. Citizens United must be reversed. Hard working employees must be given (retroactively, for the last eight years) living wages. NOT MINIMUM WAGES! They should also be given, by law further raises to keep up with the cost of living. The thievery perpetrated by business against labor must be stopped and reversed because the angst of the working class will intimately boil over into a inevitably  violent revolution.

The American people can only take so much!

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