No prodding or cajoling is necessary in getting a potluck scheduled. The potluck dinner has been absorbed into our skins just as freely as water during immersion baptism. It's a Baptist institution that transforms most faces into smiling faces and the grumpiest faces into at least, neutral faces. Garrison Keillor gave his take in his book, Life among the Lutherans.
You have fed me wretched food, vegetables boiled to extinction, fistfuls of sugar, slabs of fat, mucousy casseroles made with gobs of cream of mushroom until it's amazing my heart still beats.
The cream of mushroom could be blended with other edibles, with a base ingredient that violates my entire sensory spectrum, to wit, mayonnaise. Some potluck contributors surreptitiously include "M" in an innocently-appearing dish that belies the appearance of straight-forward, uncomplicated food. Usually it's the most innocent entrée in the whole buffet and it fools its way through my teeth and past my gums. Then my mastication is stopped by a red alert from my taste buds. I can't spit this out to my plate, causing others to pause their eating and drop their jaws as well. I gagged down the substance, , then I eat the peripheral food on mty plate, the green beans and the buttered roll, wait untill the coast is clear, drop my napkin over my plate and head for the nearest garbage receptacle. My name is George and I'm a ... picky eater!